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Clan Of Xymox


Stumble And Fall

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Xymox Clan Of Xymox

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Xymox Stumble And Fall » The lyrics

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Stumble And Fall

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I never saw you like this before
Those eyes so weary, but that smile so steady
O, i never heard you, like this before
The words so heavy
The sound so dreary
O, they sound so dreary, hey

I never saw you
I never saw you
I never saw you
Like this before

I stumble and fall
Over your gaze and your call
I stumble and fall
It's dreary echoing, sounds in the static hall

How can i continue with this icy cube
You are putting in my head
You are putting in my head

I never saw you like this before
Those eyes so weary, but the smile so steady
O, the smile so steady

I never saw you
I never saw you
I never saw you
Like this before
I stumble and fall
Over your gaze and your call
I stumble and fall
It's dreary echoing
As it sounds in the static hall

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