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K's Choice




Basically The Same

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[ Video] K's Choice - Basically the same

"basically the same"

Don't call me sinner
Don't call me nerd
Don't call me chaotic
Because you heard

I have strange feelings
I have weird thoughts
But don't call me an artist
Because i'm not

I am an animal, a saint
A grown up child without a name
I am a black man, i am gay
I say we're basically the same
Don't label me

I'm not a colour
I'm not a sex
I'm not a partner
I'm not an ex

Don't call me nigger
Don't call me queer
Don't call me retarded
Although i am

I am an animal, a saint
A grown up child without a name
I am a black man, i am gay
I say we're basically the same

Don't label, don't you see
A wooden table is actually a tree

Which is basically the same
Which is basically the same
Which is basically the same as you as me

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